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MSP Academy Portal

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a Box: Share the Success of Your Business by Helping Others

About the course

Make a difference in your community! With Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a Box, turn your business into a force for good. Become a cybersecurity expert and nurture the digital leaders of tomorrow. Register for free training resources and start making a lasting impact today!

How to start:

1. Register to receive access to educational assets and instructions.

2. Reach out to local schools and community groups.

3. Volunteer your staff for an excellent employee engagement activity.

4. Increase awareness — share on social media.

Key benefits:

1. Lasting local impact: Teaching children cyber safety strengthens the community’s resilience.

2. Budget friendly: Free training resources and content from Muttii.

3. Easy to start: We’ll guide you through the process.

4. Helps build a brand that values social responsibility.

5. At Muttii, we go beyond data protection. We secure the future.

Duration: 12 minutes.

Corporate Social Responsibility