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MSP Academy Portal

Troubleshooting: What the Heck is Wrong?

About the course

Become a troubleshooting expert by mastering the art of diagnosing and fixing issues across hardware, software and networking domains. Learn advanced techniques like motherboard beep codes, memory dump analysis and packet capturing. Gain proficiency in specialized tools like Wireshark and Sysinternals Suite.


1. Comprehensive Mastery: Develop a holistic understanding of troubleshooting across hardware, software, and networking domains.

2. Intricate Diagnostic Skills: Learn detailed methodologies like motherboard beep codes, memory dump analysis, and packet capturing.

3. Tool Proficiency: Familiarise yourself with specialised tools (Wireshark, Sys-internals Suite) for precise diagnostics.

4. Software Analysis: Understand system crashes, memory leaks, and malware identification using debuggers and profilers.


Duration: 31 minutes.